Matthew Pham

I am currently a freshman at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign studying Computer Engineering, seeking an internship for Summer 2019. I have an interest in computer science and technology. I can currently recognize most popular consumer smartphone and computer models that are used around me, and I am working on knowing the internal specs, too.

Current Technical Coursework (Spring 2019)

ECE 220 - Computer Systems & Programming
CS 173 - Discrete Structures
ECE 110 - Introduction to Electronics

Planned Coursework:

CS 225 - Data Structures (Fall 2019)
ECE 391 - Computer Systems Engineering (Spring 2020)

Previous Technical Coursework (Fall 2018)

ECE 120 - Introduction to Computing (Honors Lab Section)

CS 196 - Freshman Honors

MATH 241 - Calculus III

What I'm Currently Working On:


I'm working with Thong Nguyen under Professor Jose Schutt-Aine at the University of Illinois Electromagnetics Laboratory and the Center for Computational Electromagnetics as an Undergraduate Research Assistant.


I am on the infrastructure development team for MechMania, the AI hackathon at Reflections | Projections, the annual UIUC student-run tech conference. The infrastructure handles matchmaking, team registration, tournament logic, and connecting teams.

UITraffic (CS 196 Semester Project):

Helping people avoid crowded areas for walking traffic purposes and predict ahead of time if a location will be populated to help make plans. For development purposes, the locations were notable areas around the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign's campus.

Technlogies used: React Native, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, HTML, CSS

Spotify Music Recommendation:

Creates a playlist of songs that a user is likely to enjoy based on an input of 5 songs. I am planning on adding some aspect of machine learning to this project.

Technologies Used: Java, Java Spotify Wrapper API, REST API

Past Projects:

Perspective (EVHacks III Most Useful Hack Winner):

Worked with:

An website that takes a user's search query and finds 2 news articles with differing viewpoints about that topic and displays them side by side on the webpage. I wrote a custom MongoDB REST API for communication between the Java backend and the website's server.

Technlogies Used: Java,, HTML, CSS, Custom MongoDB REST API

IoTSmartHouse (HSHacks III):

Allows a user to control Internet of Things (IoT) devices using a mobile application. For development purposes, LED's wired to an Arduino represented devices. A basic implementation of machine learning (devices enabling/disabling based on a user's regular schedule) was also incorporated.

Technologies Used: Arduino, PubNub, Android SDK

IoT SmartHouse (API World 2017 - Largest API Integration Hackathon in the Nation - Dell Boomi Challenge 1st Place Winner):

Allows a user to control various IoT devices using an app on the Dell Boomi platform. I worked directly with Dell software engineers to develop a method to write a string to the screen of a Boomi application.

Technologies Used: Dell Boomi, Twilio API,

PositionPrediction (AP Calculus BC Final Project):

Utilizes Euler's method to live approximate a projectile in order to predict where the projectile will land.

Technlogies Used: Java

LeagueOfMasteries (Riot Games 2017 API Challenge):

Recommends new characters for a League of Legends player to play based on their current mastery of characters.

Technologies Used: Java, PHP,, HTML, CSS, Riot Games API

Goals (Los Altos Hacks II):

Allows a user to anonymously post their goals and receive positive feedback and encouragement from others, while managing their goals in a dashboard.

Technologies Used:, PHP, HTML, CSS

MusicByText (EVHacks I Most Technical Hack Winner):

An application that receives a community's song requests by text and sorts requests by popularity. The prioritized songs are played. Teacher who were judges at EVHacks I said that EVHS Leadership could utilize the app.

Technologies Used: Java, Twilio API

IoT Traffic Analysis (Integrate 2015 - Largest API + Integration Hackathon in the Nation - NetApp Challenge 2nd Place Winner):

An application that analyzes traffic data and can plan an efficient route through traffic for emergency response vehicles. With more time and resources, affecting traffic such as changing stop lights for the vehicle could be added.

Technologies Used: Java, NetApp Cloud ONTAP for AWS

Thank you for reading through my website! :)